Becoming a Master Networker – Step #5 – Are You R.U.M.?

One of the most basic tenets of networking is that you are going to have to figure out ways to stand out in a crowd. The bigger the group, the bigger the challenge and. speaking of large groups, how about the internet and social networks? Very crowded! You are going to need to be …

R.U.M. – Remarkable, Unique, Memorable

It’s not magic …

  • Where everybody practices bad behavior, you don’t. You are remarkable.
  • What everybody else does, you don’t. You are unique.
  • When they think about the best person for their needs, they think about you. You are memorable.

You stand out because you are perceived as being different from your competition and in a good way! You are R.U.M..

There is even more good news when it comes to your competition. If you don’t think that the bar to leap over them has been set low … think of yourself as the buyer, the consumer.  When was the last time that a salesperson or a company exceeded your expectations? How about never or close to it!

There are only three possible outcomes from any sale. What are they?

  • Did not meet expectations – you are toast, burnt.
  • Met expectations – you are corn, canned.
  • Exceeded expectations – you are prime rib, medium rare.

Let’s say that you win that sale regardless of your best efforts to lose it. You made the sale but  … you don’t have a customer that will buy from you again, without getting bids, and the one who will willingly refer you to others.

You were probably low bid and there ain’t no honor in being low bid. Even worse, this sale gets you nothing more than this sale. Every sale going forward will be new business and starting from scratch.

You have met expectations which, at best, is a neutral experience that is not all that different than … canned corn. I always get what I expect from … canned corn. Maybe all you were just the lesser of multiple evils.


You have two best sources for referrals. What are they?

  • Existing customers
  • Power partners including networking

How are referrals earned?

  • Referrals are earned based on observable behaviors. What I see in terms of your observable behaviors are the same behaviors that I assume you will display with others including …. those that I refer you to.
  • When I refer, my neck is on the block. My ability to refer increases my value with the customer but … I have to be sure that there is zero risk in doing so.

You also have to remember that givers get! How can you support, what can you do for, existing customers, power partners, and networking relationships? What do you have to give? Takers don’t stay long in the game.

You are going to need to teach others how to give you a great referral but first you need to know what one looks like.

  • “I gave your name to a guy and he should be calling you” is NOT a good referral.
  • “I was talking to Fred Smith over at ABC Company and he expressed an interest in the kind of services that you offer so I told him that I would have you call him. Fred’s phone number is 867-5309 and his email address is and please feel free to tell him that I told you to call” IS a good referral!

Therefore, when you give a referral, make it a good one. When talking to a referral partner, be sure to tell them how you plan to give them referrals (I will include …) and ask them to please try to do the same for you.

Stay tuned! More to come!

Author: Craig M. Jamieson

Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional including Boise's best B2B leads group, NetWorks! Boise Valley. We are a Nimble SCRM and a PieSync Solution Partner and a Value Added Associate for TTI Performance Systems. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in selling.