Turning Email Into A Tool Not A Chore

I’ve been reading a lot of articles lately talking about the impending doom of email, at least as we know it. Love it or hate it, I believe that some form of this communication medium will be with us for many years to come. Certainly, products like the soon to be released Google Wave may change the way we look at, and use, electronic messaging. For now, for me, email is indispensable.

A little background may help. I work out of my home and have two positions. Standing and sitting (smile). I am an independent sales contractor for Lytle Signs and, while they have an office here in the Boise area, the company headquarters are 125 miles away in Twin Falls, ID. 90% of all design, estimating, manufacturing, and accounting takes place in Twin Falls. Also, at least 50% of my client base is not located in the Boise area. Consequently, almost all of my correspondence is done via email. As is a large percentage of my general communication. Continue reading “Turning Email Into A Tool Not A Chore”

Communication Style Flexing

It’s Sunday night, my to-do list is done, tomorrow is a holiday, and I’m bored to death. What to do? What to do? I’ve got it…..blog (smile). Time for a diversionary post. Time to talk about something that I actually understand and that would be communication styles. This does involve talking, listening, and watching so please put your thumbs away (smile).

My training involves working with what is called the DISC system. There are a lot of programs out there that are actually using this same model but they will assign different names to the personality (communication) styles. What they do have in common is that they recognize four distinct personalities and the ways that these folks typically prefer to communicate with others. But, I get ahead of myself. Let’s first set the stage. Continue reading “Communication Style Flexing”

What Constitutes A Really Hot Lead?

I got a call from a colleague last night and he was lamenting to me about how the leads he is getting from his current group are just not up to standards. Fact is, I’d let him in but his industry is already taken in our lunch group. Maybe the breakfast group that I plan to launch in September? (smile)

As we talked the discussion covered a number of other topics relating to leads groups in general. These included many of the typical challenges that I am all too familiar with: people not showing up, folks not bringing leads, leads that people bring are sub-standard at best. More of a social gathering vs. a business meeting. At NetWorks! we have a cure for that problem. We encourage those folks to find a group that may be more suited for their needs. Mind you, these are all great people and with great businesses. The simple fact is that NetWorks! is not for everybody. Continue reading “What Constitutes A Really Hot Lead?”

34 Customer Service Good Words/Bad Words

I was moving some books around my shelves this morning and an index card fell out on the floor. I have zero idea of where it came from. That being said, I figure that God wanted me to see it and that he wanted you to see these words too (smile). So, here they are. They are marked as:

Words to Use (for extraordinary customer relations) and……

Words to Avoid (for extraordinary customer relations)

Words to Use:

  1. Are you willing?
  2. Will you?
  3. What have you considered?
  4. What are the options?
  5. Which do you prefer?
  6. What are the alternatives?
  7. How can it be corrected?
  8. How can I help?
  9. What do you want me to do?
  10. Here are some options.
  11. I made a mistake
  12. I understand.
  13. I understand your concern
  14. I apologize for (specific action)
  15. however
  16. will/willing
  17. able
  18. unable Continue reading “34 Customer Service Good Words/Bad Words”

NetWorks! – All About Results

NetWorks! means ROI. More importantly, it means maximizing that magical equation. In order to fully understand this concept we must be first willing to accept that there is a difference between an expense and an investment. When we expense something we expect to receive something of equal value in return. However, with an investment we reasonably expect to get back much more. We anticipate the “gift that keeps on giving”. That, my friend, is ROI. That, my friend, is NetWorks!

Let me ask you a few simple questions. Do you go to a restaurant for lunch two or more times per week? If you “brown bag” it….would you like to be able to eat out (smile)? When you do go out to lunch, would you classify that as an expense or as an investment? Certainly, if you are taking a client to lunch, I would call that an investment. Even better, half that lunch date, per IRS rules, may be tax deductible. Continue reading “NetWorks! – All About Results”

NetWorking – Striking Your Balance

If you have never been to this site before, let’s just say that I am a traditional networker trying to find his way in a new fangled electronic world. Most of this blog is devoted to that journey. And, make no mistake, I am a huge believer in networking and close to 100% of my client base is connected in one way or another to creating, nurturing, and building these types of relationships. Now, more than ever, there are a lot of ways out there to connect with others. So, how to strike a balance?

Business-Social Leads Groups (business emphasis): Perhaps the traditional networker’s most widely recognized tool of trade. I have been involved in these since the early 90’s and still maintain relationships that began that same long time ago.  I am not making this up, I have sold millions of dollars worth of signs as a direct result of relationships that began in these same groups. Relationships that continue today. I am such a huge believer in these organizations that I created one that meets my exacting specifications for the leads group fueled by steroids …. NetWorks! (smile). NetWorks! fulfills what I like to call the business-social segment of networking. We are social but, the focus is on business. Just this week, I was presented with a ground floor opportunity to further present the sign aspect of my business to a very targeted and lucrative market. The offer came from a gentleman who was a member of my leads group some 16 years ago. This type of networking is best designed for those of us who are comfortable with being considered as carnivorous by nature (smile). Continue reading “NetWorking – Striking Your Balance”

The Way of The Weasel & Other Fun Stuff

Life is good and it’s about to get better (smile). Mr. Mailman just arrived with my “Dilbert And The Way Of The Weasel – A Guide to Outwitting Your Boss, Your Coworkers, and the Other Pants-Wearing Ferrets in Your Life”. After what I have been thru the last couple of days with all that tech stuff, time to sit down and polish up the ol’ sales, communication, and manipulation skills (smile). Better yet, I bought this used on Amazon for $1.97 plus tax and shipping and it is in perfect condition. Even with the $20 in shipping & handling, a good value don’t you think? Joking. $6.36 out the door and to my door (smile).

O.K., need to get some other things out today or I will fall way behind my already way behind schedule (smile).

Face Book: Justin over at Tricycle Brand Development convinced me (enough) to go back to that Face Book page I started over a year ago, and never did anything with, and start filling out my profile. Deja Vu. Same thing I did with LinkedIn (smile). I must admit, Face Book does a better job of putting a human face behind the name. But, this is why I write instead of go on T.V.. Face made for radio (smile). Continue reading “The Way of The Weasel & Other Fun Stuff”