34 Customer Service Good Words/Bad Words

I was moving some books around my shelves this morning and an index card fell out on the floor. I have zero idea of where it came from. That being said, I figure that God wanted me to see it and that he wanted you to see these words too (smile). So, here they are. They are marked as:

Words to Use (for extraordinary customer relations) and……

Words to Avoid (for extraordinary customer relations)

Words to Use:

  1. Are you willing?
  2. Will you?
  3. What have you considered?
  4. What are the options?
  5. Which do you prefer?
  6. What are the alternatives?
  7. How can it be corrected?
  8. How can I help?
  9. What do you want me to do?
  10. Here are some options.
  11. I made a mistake
  12. I understand.
  13. I understand your concern
  14. I apologize for (specific action)
  15. however
  16. will/willing
  17. able
  18. unable

Words to Avoid:

  1. have to
  2. I need (want) you to….
  3. You need to….
  4. What’s your problem?
  5. I can’t/you can’t
  6. Would you mind….?
  7. I’ll try
  8. I’m sorry
  9. It’s just a …….
  10. best/worst
  11. but
  12. required, necessary
  13. should/ought to
  14. must
  15. policy
  16. jargon

Now then, wasn’t that easy? Sure was for me (smile).

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Author: Craig M. Jamieson

Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional including Boise's best B2B leads group, NetWorks! Boise Valley. We are a Nimble SCRM and a PieSync Solution Partner and a Value Added Associate for TTI Performance Systems. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in selling.