On Being The Bearer Of Bad News

For the majority of my professional career, I was plagued by two overwhelming deficiencies – I was a terrible procrastinator and whenever something went wrong with a project, anything went wrong, I was struck by a paralyzing fear and panic that precluded me from taking any meaningful action to correct it let alone bring it to my customer’s attention. Of course, my procrastination was often the cause of these issues and they also carried over to my personal life. Approximately six years ago I experienced a life-changing event and, for whatever reason, my procrastination and fear disappeared practically overnight. I really can’t explain it other than to say that it did involve a “spiritual awakening”. The benefits soon became apparent in many ways.

Prior to this, if something went haywire with a project, I was consumed with: “How and what do I tell my customer?” “Will I lose the deal?” “Will they yell at me!?” My fears were generally far in excess of reality, however, there were a number of major opportunities that I had to literally scramble in order to salvage. The worst part of all remained my fear, the panic, and my paralyzation. Continue reading “On Being The Bearer Of Bad News”

Is Your Message Not Reaching Even The Green? Try A Different Club

Sometimes getting through to folks these days seems like trying to drive a 500 yard hole with a putter alone. You just never seem to get there. Let’s face it, and particularly with the advent of all of this technology, we are all overwhelmed. Our inboxes overfloweth (smile).

I am a huge user of email and I probably spend more time than most in managing and replying to messages yet, there are several folks who I correspond with regularly who rarely acknowledge, let alone reply to, my emails. However, by selecting a different “club”, I often get immediate responses from these same folks. My advise is to mix it up. So let’s take a look in the bag and see what we have available. Certainly, there are many not mentioned here but, these are the so very obvious ….. Continue reading “Is Your Message Not Reaching Even The Green? Try A Different Club”

What Good Is Having Email If You Rarely Look At It?

Is it like the tree that falls in the forest? If nobody heard the crash, was that sound ever made?

Yesterday I got involved with a conversation on FaceBook about email and your inbox. Let’s get more specific. How about unread messages in your inbox? To your left is a partial screen shot of this conversation. I have “fuzzed” the names and faces to protect the innocent 🙂

One guy actually has close to 13,000 unread emails! Incredible! Another goes on to say that he has over 56,000 but does not specify how many of those are unread. He further states that “if it’s a month old and I haven’t read it and no one followed up or hollered, I delete it”. Another gentleman, not on this screen shot, basically said that if somebody wants to get ahold of them, they know to text or call. Certainly, this got me to thinking. Not only did it truly open my eyes to the real world, it also encouraged me to examine certain phenomena that has a tendency to piss me off real bad 🙂 Continue reading “What Good Is Having Email If You Rarely Look At It?”